ICRAVE A Position of non-judgmental acceptance

Gandhi was attacked and beaten many times almost to death but he refused to prosecute his attackers because he saw what they were doing was “What they thought was right.”

Christ asked for forgiveness, not vengeance for his attackers who beat and humiliated him.

A person who is engaging in violence is hurting deeply, because a healthy and balanced soul is incapable of harming another.

  • When we judge, we create negative karma
  • Even saying that is “right, wrong, worthy or unworthy,” is negative because we should never act in victimization, indignation, or righteousness.
    • These feelings are the result of judgements that we make about ourselves and others
      • These are assessments that we see ourselves superior to another human being
      • If we act upon these, we are not able to enter unto these feeling and learn from them. (Feelings are learning opportunities)
      • The Road to your Soul is through your Heart
      • It is important to feel compassion and act upon it

Re-source: Re-embodiment

Non-Judgmental Justice

  • Is knowing that nothing escapes the law of karma, and this brings forth understanding and compassion
  • It is the freedom of seeing what you see and experiencing what you experience without responding negatively.
  • It allows you to experience directly the unobstructed flow of the intelligence, radiant love of the universe of which our physical reality is a part.
  • Flows naturally from understanding the soul and how it evolves  

This is the framework of our evolutionary process for the purposes of healing and balancing our soul’s energy in accordance with the law of karma.

craving and resource from “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav