ICRAVE A Life of Primary Greatness

There are two ways to live life

  • A life of Primary Greatness
    • Primary greatness is who you really are.  It is your character, your integrity, and your deepest motives and desires.
    • Has its own intrinsic rewards like peace of mind, contribution, and rich and rewarding relationships.
  • A life of Secondary Greatness
    • Popularity, title, position, fame, fortune
    • It will often follow those achieved primary greatness
    • Self-absorbed pleasure driven life

Move from a life absorbed with the external trappings of success to a life of deep peace, satisfaction, and wisdom.

Re-source: Re-prioritize

Many of us spend our time doing pointless/trivial things instead of the important things in life?

  • This is like, “Rearranging deck chairs while the ship is sinking”
    • Putting appearances before reality. 
    • To care more about image than substance
    • To have your priorities backwards
  • That is what we do; we put last things first.
    • The result is missed goals, failed careers, broken families, bad health, faltering companies, and lost friendships.

How do we make a shift from the obsession of secondary greatness to a focus on primary greatness?

  • Integrity
  • Contribution
  • Priority
  • Personal Sacrifice
  • Service
  • Responsibility
  • Loyalty
  • Reciprocity
  • Diversity
  • Continuous Learning
  • Renewal
  • Teaching to Learn

craving and resource from “Primary Greatness” by Stephen Covey