ICRAVE A Life of Paradise

Image result for life of paradise

Don’t overtax yourself.  If you weigh yourself down with excessive demands

  • You’ll wear yourself out or develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, worry, heart disease, or any number of physical ailments. 
  • Give yourself a break from self-imposed pressures that burden you
  • Allow yourself plenty of free time to commune with nature, play with your children, read, see a movie, or just do nothing.

Image result for re-envision

Re-source: Re-envision

See paradise all around you. 

  • Change your belief that you must travel, be worldly, and experience distant lands and people in order to have a fulfilling life. 
  • In fact, you could reside on the same street for a lifetime without ever leaving and know bliss. 

Keep in mind the thought offered by Voltaire: “Paradise is where I am.” 

  • If where you are is at home, with the same people, the same photographs, and the same furniture, make it your paradise.  Find joy and solace in the simple.  Change your view to see the pleasure in what you have, where you’re located, and who you are. Cultivate your utopia.

craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Dr. Wayne Dyer