ICRAVE A Decided Heart

“If you are afraid of criticism, you will die doing nothing!”

“Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of an undecided heart.  The undecided heart searches for an escape.”

“A committed heart does not wait for conditions to be exactly right.

  • Indecision limits the Almighty and His ability to perform miracles in your life.
    • He has put the vision in you – proceed! 
    • To wait, to wonder, to doubt, to be indecisive is to disobey God.”

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  Knowing this to be true, I am taking my first step today.

  • For too long my feet have been tentative, shuffling left and right, more backward than forward as my heart gauged the direction of the wind. 

Criticism, condemnation, and complaint are creatures of the wind. 

  • They come and go on the wasted breath of lesser beings and have no power over me. 

The power to control direction belongs to me.  Today I will begin to exercise that power.  My course has been charted.  My destiny is assured. 

Image result for Feeling Recharged

Re-source: Recharged

I am passionate about my vision for the future.

I will awaken every morning with an excitement about the new day and its opportunity for growth and change. 

  • My thoughts and actions will work in a forward motion, never sliding into the dark forest of doubt or the muddy quicksand of self-pity. 
  • I will freely give my vision for the future to others, and as they see the belief in my eyes, they will follow me.

I will lay my head on my pillow at night happily exhausted, knowing that I have done everything within my power to move the mountains in my path. 

  • As I sleep, the same dream that dominates my waking hours with be with me in the dark. 

Yes, I have a dream.  It is a great dream, and I will never apologize for it. 

  • My hopes, my passions, my vision for the future are my very existence.
  • A person without a dream never had a dream come true.

I will not wait.  I am passionate about my vision for the future.  My course has been charted.  My destiny is assured.  I have a decided heart.

  • I know that the purpose of analysis is to come to a conclusion.  I have tested the angles.  I have measured the probabilities.  And now I have made a decision with my heart. 
  • I am not timid.  I will move now and not look back. 
  • What I put off until tomorrow, I well put off until the next day as well.  I do not procrastinate. 
  • All my problems become smaller when I confront them. 
  • If I touch a thistle with caution, it will prick me, but if I grasp it boldly, its spines crumble into dust.

craving and resource from “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews