Pain is physiological. If there was no pain, most people would not even know how to protect themselves.
- Wherever there is no pain, people are messing with it like crazy.
- They call this hairstyle, or they call it so many things.
- Almost everybody would have cut themselves off in the name of fashion.
- Suppose there was no pain in the entire body, people would pull out their stomach bag.
Pain is a good thing physically because that is your self-preservation mechanism. But suffering is something that you do in your mind.
- We tend to take pain that happens in our body into your mind and multiply it a thousand times or a million times and we suffer it a million times over.
- Most human beings are like this. What happened ten years ago, they can still suffer.
- What may happen the day after tomorrow, they already suffer.
People think they are suffering life, but they are not. They are suffering the two most fantastic faculties that human beings alone have – a vivid sense of memory, and a fantastic sense of imagination.

Re-source: Reconsider
consider (something) again, especially for a possible change of decision regarding it
In 2017 eighteen thousand six hundred children below 18 years of age committed suicide, out of which 7,200 are below 15 years of age.
- So, 12, 13, and 14 year-olds must be bubbling with life or are wanting to take their own lives.
- Why?
- Obviously, we’re doing something fundamentally wrong with the society.
- Our goals and our stupid ideas of what is success is driving them nuts.
- Because we are trying to use our children like racehorses
Right now if you make yourself miserable, you must understand you are sending a message to every cell in the body that, “I don’t want to live.”
- You might not have articulated it in your head yet, but when you become miserable, you notice suddenly your body seems heavy and it’s like it doesn’t want to get up from this chair.
- But when you’re happy, you’re willing to bounce off everything and bend backwards if necessary.
- So, you want to die you want to live, you want to die, you want to live.
- The body is getting confused
You must understand this is a very intelligent body. It’s taking instructions from you. Every cell in the body has an enormous sense of memory and intelligence
- Because you’re sending contradictory messages. You are not dead. You’re half dead.
- You can give it any number of exotic names essentially you have turned your intelligence against yourself
- This is supposed to work for you, but now you’ve turned it against yourself it’s working against you.
craving and resource from “Sadhguru on Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu”