Beyond happiness and unhappiness, there is peace
- Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not.
- “No one who is at one with himself can even conceive of conflict”
Joy of Being is an essential part of the inner state of peace.
- It is your natural state, not something that you need to work hard for, or struggle to attain.
The compulsion to “do”, and the tendency to derive your sense of self-worth and identity from external factors such as achievement, is an inevitable illusion as long as you are identified with the mind.
- This makes it hard or impossible for you to accept the low cycles and allow them to be.
- Thus, the intelligence of the organism may take over as long as a self-protective measure and create an illness in order to force you to stop, so that the necessary regeneration can take place.
- Your physical energy is also subject to cycles.
- Many illnesses are created through fighting against the cycles of low energy, which are vital for regeneration.
Re-source: Remain
continue to possess a particular quality or fulfill a particular role : stay in the place that one has been occupying
Take responsibility for your life. Do not pollute your beautiful, radiant inner Being nor the Earth with negativity.
- Do not give unhappiness in any form whatsoever a dwelling place inside you.
- Make sure you don’t start to run “mental movies.”
You can still be active and enjoy manifesting and creating new forms and circumstances, but you won’t be identified with them.
- You do not need them to give you a sense of self.
- They are not your life – only your life situation.
Once you get involved in working on the level of effect, it is all too easy to lose yourself in it. Stay alert and very, very present.
- The casual level needs to remain your primary focus, the teaching of enlightenment your main purpose, and peace your most precious gift to the world.
- The fog is your life situation, which includes past and future; the flashlight is your conscious presence; the clear space is the Now.
craving and resource from “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle