![Image result for body consciousness](https://innercrave.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/image-9.jpeg)
When you reach a certain stage of inner connectedness, the practice of body awareness will bring about the deepening within that is necessary.
- Feeling will get you closer to the truth of who you are than thinking.
- I cannot tell you anything that deep within you don’t already know.
If you inhabit the inner body you can slow down the aging process
- The outer body will grow old at a much slower rate
- Even when it does, your timeless essence will shine through the outer form, and you will not give the appearance of an old person.
Another benefit of this practice in the physical realm when you inhabit the body is great strengthening of the immune system.
- The more consciousness you bring in the body, the stronger the immune system becomes.
- It is as if every cell awakens and rejoices.
The body loves your attention. It is a potent form of self-healing.
- Most illnesses creep in when you are not present in the body.
- “If the master is not present in the house, all kinds of shady characters will take up residence there.”
- When you inhabit your body, it will be hard for unwanted guest to enter.
Inhabiting the body greatly enhances your immune system as well protects you from the negative mental-emotional force fields of others, which are highly contagious.
- It protects you by putting up a energy field, so that anything that vibrates at a lower frequency,( such as fear, anger, depression, and so on), now exists in what is virtually a different order of reality.
- It doesn’t enter your field of consciousness anymore, or if it does you don’t need to offer any resistance to it because it passes right through you.
Re-source: Refill
When you are unoccupied for a few minutes, and especially last thing at night before falling asleep and the first thing in the morning before getting up, “flood” your body with consciousness.
- Close your eyes. Lie flat on you back. Choose different parts of your body to focus you attention on briefly at first.
- hands, feet, arms, legs, abdomen, chest, head, and so on.
- Feel the life energy inside those parts as intensely as you can.
- Stay with each part for fifteen seconds or so.
- Then let your attention run through the body like a wave a few times, from feet to head and back again.
- This need only take a minute or so.
After that, feel the inner body in its totality, as a single field of energy.
- Hold that feeling for a few minutes.
- Be intensely present during that time, present in every cell of your body.
Don’t be concerned if the mind occasionally succeeds in drawing you attention out of the body and you lose yourself in some thought.
- As soon as you notice that this has happened, just return your attention to the inner body.
craving and resource from “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle