ICRAVE Healthy Elimination Functions

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Your body’s ability to eliminate unwanted substances depends on the healthy functioning of four systems; the urinary system, the gastrointestinal system, the respiratory system, and the skin

  • It can discharge wastes through urine, feces, exhaled air, and sweat. 
  • The liver processes must most foreign chemical compounds, detoxifying them if possible or breaking them down to simpler compounds that can leave the body by one of those four routes. 

In order to maintain your eliminative capacity, those four systems must be in good working order.  Here are ways you can ensure this:

  • By drinking enough pure water to help the kidneys maintain a good output of urine
  • By eating enough fiber to ensure regular bowel function
  • By exercising your respiratory system regularly
  • By periodically increasing output of sweat through aerobic exercise or exposure to heat (as by taking saunas or steam baths).

Image result for replenish with exercise

Re-source: Replenish

Physical exercise benefits the healing system in many different ways.  Any program intended to optimize the body’s healing potential must include regular exercise.

  • It improves circulation, making the heart a more efficient pump and maintaining the elasticity of arteries. 
  • At the same time it tones the respiratory system, increasing exchanges of oxygen and carbon dioxide which helps the body eliminate metabolic wastes. 
  • It further aids elimination by promoting the flow of perspiration and movement of the intestines. 
  • By stimulating release of endorphins in the brain, it fights depression and improves mood. 
  • It regulates metabolism and the body’s economy of energy. 
  • It neutralizes stress, allowing greater relaxation and sounder sleep. 
  • It even enhances immune function. 

craving and resource from “Spontaneous Healing” by Andrew Weil M.D.

Spontaneous Healing