We need to understand how everything affects everything else in the health department
- It is not just about the food you eat or the exercise you do. It is also about how you sleep, how you think, how you handle stress, and how you feel about the life you are living.
- Learn how to appreciate and take advantage of the remarkable and interconnection among your body, brain, and lifestyle.
- Equally important, learn how your brain works, so you can get it to cooperate with you when it comes to making positive healthful changes.
- Understand how amazingly interconnected everything in your health is.
- If you want to get healthier, you need to focus on all aspects of your lifestyle
Exercise is your biggest ally in achieving and maintaining good health.
- Exercise physically helps your brain.
- It helps you learn and remember better.
- It promotes alertness and enhances creative thinking.
- It elevates mood and lower stress.
Empower yourself with all the information and tools you need to help you be the most best you that you can be – for a happy, healthy and successful life
- Are there people you socialize with that make it difficult for you to stay healthy?
- People are more likely to eat more when others around them are eating a large amount of food.
- But those same people do not feel they are being influenced by those around them.
In problem solving, especially as it relates to health behavior; success isn’t determined by how much will power you can muster when you face challenges.
- It is more about how well you can strategize around these challenges.
- You need to learn how to confront challenges in a way that will best work for you.
Recognized that you are unique and that different strategies work for different people.
- The trick here is to find what works for you in your own individual way.
- The strategies that work for one person are not necessarily the strategies that work for someone else.
- It can be very helpful to hear ideas that have worked for other people.
- You may have to tweak those ideas to fit them into your life.
Re-source: Reaffirm
to affirm (something) again especially so as to strengthen or confirm
Learn to make peace with your imperfections.
- So many people are so hard on themselves. They are often their worst critic.
Remember that you are not doing yourself a favor by constantly criticizing yourself whenever you do something you don’t like.
- If you constantly send yourself negative messages about what you’ve done wrong, you are essentially telling your brain over and over again to create a negative image of yourself.
- What does your brain do when it hears a message over and over? It acts the message out.
- So not only are you not helping yourself when you send yourself negative messages, you are actually working against yourself.
Focus on how you are improving, not on the fact that you’ve made some mistakes. Enjoy the whole of who you are, complete with strengths and gifts as well as challenges and vulnerabilities.
- I am entirely capable of changing for the better.
- I am resilient. I know I can get through hard times and emerge even stronger.
- I can usually see a silver lining in even the worst situation.
- I am solely responsible for my behavior.
- I am good at developing strategies to handle difficult situations or challenges.
- I can identify the stage I am in right now when it comes to living healthily.
- I know how to take general information and personalize it so it works in my own individual life.
- I know how to visualize my goals.
- I know that living a healthy lifestyle does not require me to be perfect.
- I am comfortable with gradual change as the way to achieve healthy sustainable behaviors.
craving and resource from “The Healthiest You” – Take charge of your brain, to take charge of your life – by Kelly Trevor MD and Betty Keller