We can study of how to understand our bodies and notice what our bodies are telling us.
- We can be a few steps before disease so we could prevent it.
Ayurveda is life knowledge or the study of life. As so, there is an individual nature of healing our body.
- We can observe hiw to be an active participant in our health every single day based on how we feel.
3 Modes – Mode of goodness, Mode of Passion, and Mode of Ignorance
- Mode of Goodness- The foods that nourish us and our life force (vitality).Try to eat the foods in this mode of goodness such as fresh fruits vegetables, grains, avocados and all the foods that come from a fresh place (organic). These are the foods that make the body feel good.
- Mode of Passion – The foods that give us immediate satisfaction like the sour the salty, The chilly and all the kind of stuff that we put in our food to give us the burst of flavor. Those are three to have put in moderation.
- Mode of ignorance – The foods that make your body feel lifeless, lethargic and needs your body feels sluggish. Like food center deep fried or left overs, Basically food that have lost their life. Like me foods that no longer have their vitality.
The foods don’t just affect the body but have an effect on our minds and consciousness too, because everything carries energy.
- Our foods are assimilating in our blood, bones, and our minds.
Do a food audit for a week.
- “This is what I ate, and this is how it made me feel two or three hours later.” It’s a process of elimination.
Then your body was continue talking to you the more you listen to it.
- Many of us tend to tune out our body cues and stop listening to it, and because of that we are slowly letting our bodies deteriorate.
- It gets to a point where your body stops communicating with you and eventually starts screaming at you, by breaking down and causing disease.

Re-source: Relative
considered in relation or in proportion to something else
Healthy Eating Tips
Eat until satisfied not stuffed. There is a point to eating, to where you feel you’re eating too much, and start feeling lethargic.
- Understand the queues of your body so you don’t overstuff it. When you overwhelm your stomach, food remains undigested.
- You can feel the toxicity in your gut, laziness, headaches, and you start feeling the opposite of energized. That’s a good indication that you’ve eaten the wrong foods or are eating too much.
Mindfully and consciously eat. When we say grace or a prayer of gratitude it allows us to see the food and give our body notice so it can produce the proper enzymes.
- This is where digestion starts, not necessarily when we started eating. Our body’s need to prepare itself to eat.
Eat slow, because if you eat fast your body won’t get to tell you when it’s satisfied and then it’s too late.
- This is also why it is important to chew your food thoroughly.
Eat and cook with your hands. Touch and texture is such an important part of your body knowing what it’s doing.
- As oppose to holding silverware (metal), which is a disconnect with the food.
Avoid cool drinks and ice beverages while eating.
- This will help your gut issues, because when your body’s starts to eat, it is creating heat.
- Also, too many liquids are diluting your digestion.
Eat the rainbow. Eat a variety of colors.
- Each of those colors represent a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Like your partner your body wants you to listen and be an active participant.
- It will just keep getting louder and louder if you’re not listening.
Make your body feel good, not look a certain way. Nurture how you feel.
- Self-objectification relates to how we live our life based on how other people view us. It’s how we’re living based on other people’s perfection of you.
Have lighter meals at night or stop eating at an early hour.
- This is so your body is not working on digestion while you sleep. In doing so you will have much more restful sleep.
Breathwork can allow our minds to slow down, collect our thoughts, and help handle everything that comes our way.
- Same thing with before you eat, take 3 breaths. It’s a great natural tool in your body to set a pace and slow down.
Craving and resource from “Surprising Habits that are Harming your Digestion” by Radhi Devlukia on the “On Purpose” podcast with Jay Shetty