If we retain substances that are meant to be eliminated, the accumulation of toxicity depletes our life force. If we eliminate toxic congestion, our creativity, enthusiasm, and well-being flourish.
- This is as true for our physical and mental health as it is for our environment.
Identifying, avoiding, and neutralizing toxins from our bodies are key to freeing up vital energy, for our bodies are the end products of our experiences in life.
- To recapture vitality, we need to eliminate accumulated toxins, and minimize or exposure to situations and circumstances that have a toxic influence.
Your body is the stage upon which your mind plays out its dramas. It can be a battlefield or a playground, depending on your life’s script.
- If you are feeling mentally and physically depleted, it is because accumulated toxicity has exceeded your capacity to metabolize and discharge it.
We carry the past in our environment, bodies, hearts, and minds. When the burden becomes too heavy, we lose the ability to prosper in the present.
- Therefore, identifying, healing, and releasing unprocessed experiences are essential for restoring our natural vitality.
Re-source: Re-nourish
Sounds, sensations, sights, smells, and tastes are nourishing to body, mind, and soul. Transform the energy of your environment into vital energy.
- Rediscover the value of feeding your senses with simpler, natural experiences.
- Practice mediation on a daily basis
- Get out of the city at least twice a month.
- Choose to allow nourishing rather than toxic images into your awareness.
- Scientific studies demonstrate that smells can calm or invigorate.
- Experiment with natural scents and aromas, and surround yourself with those that enhance your well being.
- The essential questions to be asked are “Do I like this aroma?” and “How does it make me feel?”
- Aromas to Invigorate – Lemon, Orange, Clove, Cinnamon
- Aromas to Cool – Jasmine, Mint, Lime, Rose
- Aromas to Calm – Lavender, Vanilla, Sandalwood, Neroli
- Eating is a sacred act, and our digestion benefits form this acknowledgment.
- Six primary tastes – sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, or astringent.
Our bodies and our environments are in constant and dynamic exchange with one another.
- According to Ayurveda, the environment is an extension of our physical body.
craving and resource from “Vital Energy” – The 7 Key to Invigorate Body, Mind & Soul – by David Simon, M.D.