ICRAVE Dream Intuition

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Dreams clarify how to handle current situations in our lives. 

  • When we dream, we unconsciously travel back to this sleep level, and other souls come and help us.  

Interpret dreams by superimposing the plot of the dream against the real situation facing us in life.

  • The vision apparently is an ideal guide for what our highest self intends to happen in life
    • The best-case scenario, if all of us were following our intuitions perfectly. 
    • What actually occurs is an approximation of the best everyone can do under the actual circumstances. 

“When we have an intuition or a dream to pursue a particular course in our lives and we follow this guidance, certain events transpire that feel like magic coincidences. 

  • We feel more alive and excited. 
  • The events seem destined, as though they were supposed to happen.”

Image result for align your vision

Re-source: Redirect

Each of us comes here with a vision of how our lives can be and what we want to do.  The intuitions we have (the dreams and coincidences) are all designed to keep us on the right path, to bring back our memory of how we wanted our lives to unfold.”

  • We’re are actually getting flashes of memory of what we wanted to be doing with our lives at that particular point on our journey. 
  • It may not be exact, because people have free will, but when something happens that is close to our original vision, we feel inspired because we recognize that we are on a path of destiny that we intended all along.”
  • “It’s an understanding of how we will fulfill human purpose. 
  • It brings in another level of love, an energy that can bridge the polarization. 
    • It involves the energy level around people who are in Fear.”

craving and resource from “The Tenth Insight” by James Redfield

Tenth Insight