ICRAVE The Indwelling of Holy Spirit

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God saved us for the purpose for making us human temples, inhabited by his Spirit. 

  • Paul said Christians we the “temples of the Holy Spirit” (1Cor. 6:19). 
  • The inner sanctum – the indwelling of God is where God inhabits us. 
  • Faith in Jesus makes us walking miracles who have been changed through the Holy Spirit personally dwelling in us, that we might be filled with the Spirit to the point where he overflows – spilling out onto others with love and grace.

We need to keep on being controlled by the Spirit if we want to live wisely, to understand the Lord’s will for our lives, and to make the most of every opportunity. 

  • If we’re not Spirit-controlled, we will miss out on being what God wants us to be.
  • Some of us are afraid of opening up to the Holy Spirit because we prefer to stay in control.  That’s understandable.  We’re concerned about self-preservation, so giving up control can be scary.

Many of us want more of God but not to the point of being ridiculed. 

  • Our Western minds think, I will serve the Lord, but I will serve the Lord, but I will remain in control as I do it. 
  • But whether we like it or not, that’s not how the church began.  The church began with Spirit-controlled Christians who yielded themselves to God. 

Re-source: Reempowered

make stronger and more confident again, especially in controlling their life

The circumstances will differ from person to person, but an undeniable expression of Spirit-controlled living is that we will be lifted above the limitations of mere natural talents and abilities.

  • The irony of Spirit-filled living is that we have to give up power in order to gain a great power.
  • The Spirit is the only one who can produce self-discipline, love, and boldness. 
  • But to do so, he has to control us daily.  We can’t rest on a religious experience we had years or even months ago.

The fullness of the Spirit is a necessity in our lives.  When Jesus declared, “Apart from me you can do nothing.”

(John 15:5)

When God takes control of a life or a church, he takes control through the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is the Helper Jesus sent to do the job. 

  • When we fear giving control to the Spirit, we really fear God’s control over our lives. 
  • When we refuse to yield to the Spirit, we miss out on the holy excitement of living beyond ourselves.

God gives the gift of power, love, and self-discipline and it is only through the Holy Spirit working in our hearts that we receive them. 

  • We cannot live the life God desires for us without the presence of the Holy Spirit, but with him in control of our lives, His power and His gifts are available for us to receive.

Get alone with God today and spend some time praying about who or what is in control of your life.  We are going to be controlled by something.  Give Him control.

craving and resource from “Spirit Rising” – Tapping into the Power of the Holy Spirit – by Jim Cymbala with Jennifer Schuchmann

Image result for  "Spirit Rising" – Tapping into the Power of the Holy Spirit – by Jim Cymbala with Jennifer Schuchmann