ICRAVE Spiritual Illumination through Scripture

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The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, so he will always direct us toward God’s truth. 

  • Is it possible that the Holy Spirit is a better teacher than even Jesus? Yes, because only he can teach us from the inside out.

When a person has little interest in the Word, or when Scripture seems dull and tedious to a church body, that is a sign that something is seriously out of sync. 

  • When we don’t have respect for the Word and reverence for its authority, and when we don’t humble ourselves to hear what God has said, we’re on the wrong path. 

The apostle Peter wrote, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:2, emphasis added). 

  • The Word of God contains the vital spiritual nutrients we need – ever day – to grow in Christ. 
  • Our cravings for more of God’s Word aren’t hunger pangs we work up.  A holy appetite grows inside of us through the work of the Holy Spirit that causes us to crave truth.

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Re-source: Revelation

the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world

Jesus promised that when he died, another teacher would come and help to properly digest spiritual truth. 

  • “I have more to say, and the new teacher will be the one to teach you about it.”  The Spirit “will guide you into all the truth.”
  • Then the meaning of Jesus’ life and death, faith, hope, love, the power of prayer, and much more would all be made crystal clear.

Just life any minister today, Jesus preached using only his voice.  And just like any congregation today hearing a sermon, the disciples could hear his words only with their ears and process them with their minds.  But the truth of God is different than mathematics or the laws of science. 

  • It can be understood and appropriated into our lives only when it is revealed to our innermost being; that is where its life-changing power works (Matt. 13:18-23).
  • Jesus was born in Bethlehem is a fact.  Understanding the glorious meaning of Immanuel, God with us, requires divine teaching.  So, it is absolutely necessary for the Holy Spirit to overcome the human limitations of voice, ear, and brain.  He teaches in the classroom of the heart.
  • The process of seeing spiritual things through the eyes of the heart, not merely the mind, is called “revelation.”  It’s not every day working of the Holy Spirit in all who desire it.

Too many of us pick up the Bible and read it like we are reading the New York Times or People magazine. 

  • We’re confident in our ability to understand Scripture because we might have a high IQ or because we went to school and got a degree from a university.  But we’ll only understand the shell of it that way.  Sure, we’ll gain some facts; we might even understand some sketchy truths; but spiritual teaching that transforms our lives will elude us.
  • Often, we get our definitions for important things not by what the Spirit shows us in Scripture, but by what we say growing up in church.  “Oh, that’s what preaching is!”  Or, “that’s what worship should look like, because that’s the way we’ve always done it in the church I attend.” 
  • It is difficult for all of us to come to the Word of God and say, “Holy Spirit, teach me, even if it goes against what I’ve been conditioned to believe.”  And yet we must. We will never understand God’s purpose for the church and us individually unless we humble ourselves and pray, “Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me!”

That no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’ – the things God has prepared for those who love him – these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.  The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

1 Cor. 2:9-10, emphasis added

craving and resource from “Spirit Rising” – Tapping into the Power of the Holy Spirit – by Jim Cymbala with Jennifer Schuchmann