ICRAVE Seeing Perfect Spirit in Others

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God is changeless, perfect, and eternal.  And God is synonymous with spirit, because nothing He makes would be any different from Him, or else it wouldn’t be perfect. 

  • If God could make anything that wasn’t perfect, then He Himself wouldn’t be perfect either, would He? 
  • And spirit doesn’t have to evolve, or else it wouldn’t be perfect.

Go through life seeing everyone as being what they really are, which is perfect spirit, instead of seeing them as bodies, which is really just a false idea of separation. 

  • See everyone as being Christ, pure and innocent.

Image result for how do you think about others

Re-source: Reciprocal

mutually corresponding : consisting of or functioning as a return in kind 

What are we doing when we go around judging and condemning other people? 

  • All we’re really doing is sending a message directly into our own unconscious mind that we are worthy of being judged and condemned. 
  • Whatever we think about others is really like sending a message about ourselves to our self.

The key to enlightenment lies in a secret that very few people have ever known, but which Jesus knew well. 

  • The way you will experience and feel about yourself is not determined by how other people look at and think about you. 
    • The way that you will experience and feel about yourself is actually determined by how you look at and think about them. 
  • Ultimately, this determines your identity.  You will identify yourself as a body or as perfect spirit, as either divided or whole, depending on how you see others. 
    • And once you understand that, you’d want to get pretty damn careful how you think about other people!

craving and resource from “Your Immortal Reality” by Gary R. Renard

Image result for Your Immortal Reality by Gary R. Renard