ICRAVE Preparation through patience

Preparation is “Trusting your Training”

  • Identify one area of weakness in your character that will most likely lead to disobedience when times get tough.  This would be the area in your life that needs to be better prepared for the unexpected drama that is sure to come. 
  • Perhaps it is your temper (Ps. 4:4); anxiety (Phil. 4:6-8); pride (Prov. 29:23); impatience (Ps. 46:10); Lack of self-control (Prov. 3:5-6); anger (Prov. 15:1); not taking advice (Prov. 15:22); being too quick to speak (Prov. 18:13); worrying (Matt. 6:31-33); using bad language (Eph. 4:29).

“Evil will come, but don’t be that guy through which it comes.”

  • Just as easily as we can be hurt by someone, God can use that hurt to nurture deep spiritual health in our lives.
  • How can I resist the urge for revenge?

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  

James 1: 2-4
  •  One definition of patience is longsuffering.

The Bible says humility comes before honor, and pride comes before a fall.  We will live powerless lives when we feel the need to put others down to lift ourselves up. 

  • It is twice as cowardly when we tear people down behind their backs, when they cannot defend themselves.
  • Identify one example of taking power from someone else by tearing him or her down.  This could be by gossiping, actively preventing them from being blessed, taking credit for doing something when you shouldn’t, and so on.

Image result for reflection thoughts

Re-source: Regroup

to reorganize for renewed activity

Close your eyes and imagine you’re standing over your gravestone.  Visualize your name on it.  You are dead.  Write down one aspect of your life that you now kick yourself for not being more faithful to God about. 

  • Make a decision today to do something about transforming that unfaithfulness into complete obedience. 
  • Keep in mind, God is in the life-transforming business.  He’s looking for people who are willing to change and even desperate for a change.

Your passion will not let you give up on your mission

  • Your passion is what pushes you through the unknown, the difficult times.  If someone tells passion to stop fighting, passion says no. 
  • Without the passion to do something, you will never complete your God-given mission.

Looking back at your life, make a list of the successes that seemed to come easy for you, circumstances that were designed just for you.  Try to identify what was common about them. 

  • This will provide insight into the things God has planned for your future.

craving and resource from “Do Something!” by Miles McPherson

See the source image