ICRAVE No Needs or Expectations

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Realize that whatever you need is already yours.  Even before you ask, god will have answered.  Therefore, asking is not necessary.

  • Because we don’t have to ask for what I already have.
  • It is a matter of perception

That is why faith is so powerful.  If you have faith that all your needs will always be met, then, technically, you have no needs at all.

  • It will become your experience, and so your faith will be “justified.”  Yet all you have done is change your perception.

The true Master lives outside the space of expectation.  He expects nothing and desires nothing more than what “shows up.”

  • Because he already knows he has everything, he so happily accepts whatever part of Everything it is that shows up in any particular moment.
  • He knows that it is all perfect, that life is perfection playing itself out.
  • Under these circumstances, trust is not required.

There are three levels of awareness around everything.  These are: hope, belief, and knowing.

  • You have come to a knowingness that the perfect thing is going to occur.  Not that a particular thing is going to occur, but that the perfect thing is going to occur.  Not that what you prefer is going to occur, but that which is perfect is going to occur. 
  • As you move toward master, these two become one.  Something occurs, and you prefer no occurrence other than what is occurring.  It is your very preferring of whatever is occurring that renders that occurrence perfect.  This is called “letting go and letting God.”

Have intentions, but don’t have expectations, and certainly don’t have requirements. 

  • Do not become addicted to a particular result.  Do not even prefer one. 
  • Elevate your Addictions to Preferences, and your Preferences to Acceptances.
  • That is the way to peace.  That is the way to mastery.

Image result for acceptance

Re-source: Recondition

have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something) again

It is not outer circumstances that are the source of happiness, but rather our inner decisions about how we choose to experience them.

  • The secret of life is not the have everything you want, but to want everything you have.

Gratitude is the fastest form of healing. 

  • What you resist, persists.  What you are grateful for can then serve you, as it was meant to do

“I have sent you nothing but angels.  I have given you nothing but miracles.”

  • Every event of life is a miracle, as is life itself.  Life is designed to provide your soul with the perfect tools, the perfect circumstances, the perfect conditions with which to realize and experience, announce and declare, fulfill and become Who You Really Are. 
  • Therefore, judge not, and neither condemn.  Love your enemies, pray for your persecutors, and embrace every moment and circumstance of life as a treasure; a perfect gift from a perfect Creator.
  • Seek results and outcomes, but do not require them.

If you require a certain result in order to be happy, you have an Addiction.  If you simply desire a certain result, you have a Preference.  If you have no Preference whatsoever, you have Acceptance.  You have achieved mastery

  • You can intend for something to happen without preferring it to.  In fact, holding a Preference is an announcement to the universe that alternative outcomes are possible.
  • Live your life without expectations.  In every circumstance and situation, and in the face of any result or outcome- see the perfection.

The Master is one who always agrees with results, even if they do not appear favorable, because he knows that at some level he must have intended them.

  • This is why the Master sees everything as perfect!  She has no doubt that at some level she is responsible for the result.
  • If he doesn’t like what he’s created, it’s up to him to change it.
  • Condemnation has no part in that process.  That which you condemn, you keep in place.

We need nothing more for our evolution than exactly what we have, and are experiencing, right now.

  • And if we don’t need anything, we don’t have to trust God
  • And when we don’t have to trust God, then we actually can.  Because trust then means not having to have a particular result, but rather, knowing that whatever results is for our highest good.
  • You are able to have more things on automatic.  You have created these outcomes, subconsciously.

craving and resource from “Friendship with God” by Neale Donald Walsch