ICRAVE Happiness In God

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Everyone wants to be happy, and we are all chasing happiness in our own way. 

  • It starts when we are young
  • Toy, bike, social interactions, pleasure, accomplishment

We often make the mistake of hoping that certain people or things will fill the hole, but sooner or later most of us come to realize that God can fill that hole that represents our deepest longings.

  • The whole meaning and purpose of your existence is wrapped up in God. 
  • Separated from him, you and your life lose their meaning.

Who or what is at the center of your life?

Re-source: Reflection

serious thought or consideration

Reflect on the insanity of trying to resist God.

Sense that something is missing in your life?

  • It’s okay to be dissatisfied.  Being dissatisfied and pretending that we are not is the kind of lie that leads to spiritual and physical illness. 
  • Our dissatisfaction is trying to lead us to something better, or something different altogether.
  • Restlessness – Resistance loves keeping us busy with anything but the one thing that will most help us grow.

“Nobody had ever taught me how to just spend time with God.”

  • It felt consciously peaceful.  At the time I didn’t realize it, but my young soul was tired and hungry.

The inner life – our relationship with God and spirituality – is the leaven that allows every other facet of our lives to rise.  Without this inner life, our lives are flat.

I began to speak to God about what was happening in my life and the things that were on my mind.

  • This mental conversation with God is a complete game changer
  • “God, this is the situation…these are the circumstances…What do you think I should do?”
  • The moment we open ourselves up to God’s plans is the moment miracles begin to happen in our lives.

Our lives change when our habits change.  New habits bring new life.

  • Resistance loves to keep us busy.  When we are too busy to reflect on how we are living our lives, it is almost certain that we are not busy doing the right things.

It is important that we reflect upon our image of God. 

  • How we see God has an enormous impact on our lives.
  • Our image of God is the lens through which we see ourselves, others, and the world.
  • A false or distorted view of God tends to distort our relationships, which are the foundation of life in this world.

craving and resource from “Resisting Happiness” by Matthew Kelly