ICRAVE Giving People Back to Themselves, Through Love

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Give people permission to feel the feeling they’ve always wanted to feel.  Give people back to themselves – To feel optimistic – about themselves, and about the world.

  • If there is one thing which it would benefit you to remove from your various cultural myths, it is this idea that, by means of some magic ingredient, you have been made better than some other humans; that yours is the superior race, or the superior faith, the better country or the better political system, the higher approach or the higher way.
  • The word better is one of the most dangerous words in our vocabulary, exceeded only by the word right.  Both are connected, for it is because you think you are better that you are right.
  • Most religions base their primary appeal on the idea that theirs is the one true path, and that to believe any other way is to risk eternal damnation.  Thus, religions use fear, rather than love, to attract you.  Yet that is the last reason God would have you come to Him.

There is no form and no manner in which the expression of love is inappropriate.

  • Love that is pure and true seeks to damage or hurt no one.  It seeks to avoid the possibility of damage or hurt to anyone.  Your motives are pure and intentions are good.

What love is – It is that which is without condition, without limitation, and without need.

  • Love is freedom.  Freedom to express the most joyous part of who you really are.  This is the truth of your being, and it is the aspect of Self which you will most urgently and earnestly seek to experience.
  • Expectation reduces freedom, and freedom is the essence of love.

Most people confuse love with need.  They think that the two words, and the two experiences, are interchangeable.  They are not.  Loving someone has nothing to do with needing them.

  • The less you need from someone, the more you can love them. 
  • By loving them not for what they can give you, but simply for who they are.

Image result for recondition love

Re-source: Recondition

to restore to good condition; to condition (a person, a person's attitudes, etc.) anew

Can you love God unconditionally?  All this time you may have thought that the question was, can God love you unconditionally? 

  • Because you can only receive God’s love in the way you give God yours.
  • You can only receive another’s love in the way that you give them yours.  They can love you their way as long as they want.  You can only receive it your way.
  • You cannot experience what you do not allow others to experience. 

These words are interchangeable – Love, Freedom, Soul, God.  All carry aspects of the other.

  • What you resist, persists.  There is no condition, no circumstance, no problem that love cannot solve.  There is not person that love cannot heal.  There is no soul that love cannot save. 
  • Indeed, there is no saving to be done at all, for love is what every soul is.  And when you give the soul of another what it is, you have given it back to itself.

Our mission is to give people back to themselves.

craving and resource from “Friendship with God” by Neale Donald Walsch

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