ICRAVE Experiencing Divine Holy Life

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Everyone is called to live a holy life.  Experience the Divine.

  • Bring meaning to everything we do.  “You are the light of the world.”
  • Our presence in the world is to elevate and transform ordinary, everyday things.
    • A new mind-set – transform it into a conversation with God.

One of the hardest lessons to relearn in life is to be present.  To give our full attention to whoever and whatever is before us right now.  This is the wisdom of being present in the moment. 

  • “Pray without Ceasing” (Thessalnians 5:17)
  • Transform every activity in our lives into a prayer
  • “Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” (Matthew 21:22)

Great books feed us.  They focus our minds and inspire our hearts.

  • A good spiritual book can be a great help to our prayer.
  • Align our minds with the mind of God
  • The Bible gives us incredible insight into the mind of God.

Image result for renewal LISTEN

Re-source: Renewal

(among charismatic Christians) the state or process of being made spiritually new

“Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”  (Roman 12:2)

From time to time it is good for us all to learn to listen again. 

  • Listen to those you love.  Listen to your body.  Listen to your conscience and soul.  Listen to God.
  • One of the fastest ways to improve any relationship is to become a better listener.
  • To listen well, actively, and deeply requires humility.

Churches promote a culture that prefers us to be passive?

  • We need to shift from a passive to an active disposition and really listen and be a continuous learner.
    • Listen to the quiet of your heart
  • How can you live out that one idea this coming week?

When we listen to the voice of God in our lives, we get focused, energized, and invigorated.

  • God wishes to speak to us.   His thoughts and words will encourage and challenge us, guide and warn us, inspire and energize us.
  • There is something about writing things down that increases our knowledge and retention.

craving and resource from “Resisting Happiness” by Matthew Kelly

Image result for Resisting Happiness By Matthew Kelly