ICRAVE Divine Spirit

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If you want to bring yourself closer to the Holy Spirit, say, “I am a vehicle for God and Divine Spirit.” 

  • Then begin your day with joy. 
  • Know that everything is being accomplished as it should be.

You are living the spiritual life when you conduct yourself and your business in the name of Divine Spirit. 

  • You touch many Souls during the course of the business day. 
  • Although you may never say a word, Divine Spirit touches all whom you meet, in some manner or another.

The way to work with Divine Spirit in our daily decisions is to consider quite honestly: What would I really like to do? 

  • One must put aside thoughts of asceticism, thinking that God loves us more if we are poor. 
  • A business decision must be made using all input that’s available. 
  • What’s good for me, my family? 
  • It must allow one to grow. 
  • Any decision is not without setbacks, for that’s the nature of life. 
  • What sets you apart is that you give it your best effort and more, staying open to the subtle nudges of Divine Spirit.

When you don’t put a definite shape to what you imagine, Divine Spirit can have unlimited freedom to fill that mold. 

  • But if you put a limit to it, you often strike out because you’ve allowed for only one possible outcome.

Image result for reveal curtains

Re-source: Reveal

make (previously unknown or secret information) known

When something goes wrong in your life, there is usually a spiritual reason for it. 

  • Divine Spirit is trying to teach you something about truth.

Whatever you are going through today is training for tomorrow. 

  • You need today to reach tomorrow.

You do what you can to make your life right.  And when you have done 100 percent of everything you can do, Divine Spirit steps in with the miracle.

On the outside, divine and emotional love may look the same, but divine love is joyful, thankful. 

  • It gives itself fully. 
  • Let love be what it will. 
  • Don’t let the mind tell you one is human and the other divine.

Self-discipline is an absolute necessity if one is to have a productive spiritual life. 

  • Replace old tastes and preferences with new, better ones. 
  • But do it in the name of the Holy Spirit, with love and a sincere heart, or nothing will come of this experiment.

craving and resource from “The Language of Soul” by Harold Klemp