ICRAVE Bringing Love to a Broken World

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  “To fulfill our purpose to love the broken world, we need to see the brokenness of the world with the eyes of love.”

  • When you look at people, do you see them as man sees or as God sees? 
  • Remember, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Dam. 16:7). 
  • More importantly, do you see yourself as God sees you?  Loved, but still in progress?
  • “Dear God, please show me the spiritual need of those I come in contact with.  Give me a sensitive, loving heart that will see people as You see them and love them according to their real need.”

Your purpose is to love the unlovable in the eyes of the world, just as Christ did.

  • Your purpose of expressing God’s love will lead to receiving a lesson about God’s love.
  • How many times have you looked down at the poor, not realizing God may have chosen them to be rich in faith, or the weak, not realizing they may have a level of inner strength you’ll never have.
  • Your job is not to make people like you but to help them become the person God created them to be – so that they may fulfill their purpose of obeying God.

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Re-source: Repair

the action of fixing or mending something

“…Leaving behind broken people to do even greater things than He did (John 14:12).” 

  • We too are beaten, bleeding, and broken from life. 
  • Nevertheless, we are His chosen vehicle through which to fulfill His plan to bring love to a broken world.

As you travel through your world today, look at the brokenness that surrounds you. 

  • Remember what Jesus said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father” (John 14:12). 

Realize that you and Jesus have more in common than you thought. 

  • May you be convinced that He meant what He said.  He is ready to do incredible things through you.

If you are at a loss about what you can do for someone, start with identifying how God has comforted you.  Then pay it forward.  You have the power to do that. 

  • Once you can identify His ongoing work in your life, ask God to bring someone who is experiencing the same problem or struggling with the same sin and can benefit from what you have learned.

craving and resource from “Do Something!” by Miles McPherson