ICRAVE Belief and Connection Manifestation

Through the reality makers of imagination, expectation, judgment, passion, and prayer, we galvanize each possibility into existence. 

  • In our beliefs about who we are, what we have and don’t have, and what should and shouldn’t be, we breathe life into our greatest joys as well as our darkest moments.

The key to mastering this place of pure energy is to know that it exists, to understand how it works, and finally to speak the language that it recognizes. 

  • All things become available to us as the architects of reality in this place where the world begins:  the pure space of the Divine Matrix.

Manifestation begins with the willingness to make room in our beliefs for something that supposedly doesn’t exist. 

  • We create that “something” through the force of consciousness and awareness. 
  • William Blake said “The Eternal body of Man is the Imagination, that is, God Himself.”

“The distinction between what maintained…all existing things are…imaginary.” 

John Mackenzie
  • The concrete events of life must first be envisioned as possibilities before they can become a reality.

With these connections in mind, we must begin to think of the way that we relate to life, our families, and even our casual acquaintances from a powerful new perspective. 

  • Good or bad, right or wrong, everything from the lightest and most beautiful life experiences to the most horrible occasions of human suffering can no longer be written off as chance happenings.  
  • Clearly, the key to healing; peace; abundance; and the creation of experiences, careers, and relationships that bring us joy is to understand just how deeply we’re connected to everything in our reality.

See the source image

Resource: Re-connect

to link or be linked together again

It seems that the farther we stray from our natural relationship with the earth, our bodies, one another, and God, the emptier we become. 

  • In our emptiness, we strive to fill our inner void with “things.”

When the focus of our lives becomes how to avoid disease rather than how to live in a healthy way, how to stay out of war rather than how to cooperate in peace, clearly the path we’re on has become one of survival. 

  • In such a mode, no one is truly happy – nobody really “wins.”

The key to awakening such an awesome power is to make a small shift in the way we see ourselves in the world. 

  • With a small shift in perception we can tap the most powerful force in the universe in order to address even seemingly impossible situations. 
  • This happens when we allow ourselves a new way of seeing our role in the world.

The “small shift” that we need is to see ourselves as part of the world rather than separate from it. 

  • The way to convince ourselves that we’re truly one with everything that we see and experience is to understand how we’re joined and what that connection means.

craving and resource from “The Divine Matrix” by Greg Braden

The Divine Matrix : Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, And Belief (Paperback)