ICRAVE Atonement

Image result for atonement god

Realize that “atonement” is just that – it is “at-one-ment.”  It is the awareness that you and all others are One. 

  • It is the understanding that you are One with everything – including God.
  • The statement “We Are All One” will no longer be a concept, it will be an experience.

You experience the impact, the outcome, and the results of your choices and decisions. 

  • Yet this is about growth, not “justice.” 
  • It is the process of evolution, never God’s punishment.

God is not interested in getting you back.  God is interested in moving you forward.

  • This is the path of evolution you are on, not the road to hell.
  • The goal is awareness, not retribution

Regret can be instructive while guilt is only debilitating.

  • When we are free of guilt, we can move forward.
  • No life is pointless!  No life is hopeless.  Fear and guilt are the only enemies of man.

Things are not what they seem to be, and in which things seem to be what they are not.

  • Your ego is your chief tool in creating this illusion.  It is that device which allows you to imagine your Self as separate from All the Rest of You.  It is the part of you that thinks of you as being an individual.
  • You are not an individual, yet you must be individualized in order to comprehend and appreciate the experience of the whole.  And so in this sense, it is “good” to have an ego.
  • When the ego becomes so enlarged that all you can see is the separate Self, all chance of experiencing the unified Self is gone, and you are lost.  You have literally become lost in the world of your illusion, and you may remain lost in that illusion for many lifetimes, until you finally bring your Self out of it, or until somebody else – another soul – pulls you out.  This is what is meant by “giving you back to yourself.”  This is what the Christian Churches meant by their concept of a “savior.

You are always at free choice about what you remain here to do.  If you find it enjoyable to not experience your Self as part of the One, you will be given the choice of not having that experience just now. 

  • Only when you’ve had enough of the separateness, enough of the illusion, enough of the loneliness and the painfulness, will you seek to find your way home, and then you will find that God will be there – that God has always been there.  All ways.

Image result for my bast version of me

Re-source: Reparation

the action of repairing something

You are not your past.  You are not your yesterdays.

  • When others see you as “bad,” they don’t want you to change, because they want to continue being “right” about you. 
    • This allows them to justify how they are treating you. 
  • When other people see you as “good,” they don’t want you to change, because they want to continue being able to “depend” on you. 
    • This allows them to justify how they expect you to treat them.
  • What you are invited to do is live in the moment.  Create your Self anew in the Present moment. 
    • This allows you to separate your Self from your former ideas about you – a remarkable percentage of which are foundationed in other people’s ideas about you.

Do not seek to forget your past; seek to change your future.

  • Decided not to repeat certain behaviors ever again
  • Let go of your past.  It does not mean forgetting it.  It means stopping the holding on, ending the clinging to your past as if you are going to drown without it.  You are drowning because of it.
  • Even people with a wonderful past are not served by holding onto it as if that is Who They Are.  This is call “resting on your laurels,” and nothing stops growth faster. 
  • Neither rest on your laurels nor dwell on your failures.  Rather, start over; begin anew in each golden moment of Now.

How can I change behaviors that have become habitual, or character traits that have become ingrained?

  • By asking yourself one simple question:  Is this Who I Am?

It is not a process of discovery; it is a process of creation.  You cannot “discover” Who You Are.

  • You are not deciding this based on your discoveries, but rather, based on preferences.
  • Do not be who you thought you were, be who you wish you were.
  • It’s the biggest difference of your life.  Up to now you’ve been “being” who you thought you were.  From now on you are going to be a product of you highest wishes.
  • Remember, it’s not about changing, and thus suddenly becoming acceptable.  You’re acceptable right now in the eyes of God. 
    • You are only changing because you choose to change, you choose a newer version of your Self.

The grandest version of the greatest vision I’ve ever had about who I am

  • “Is this who I am?” – this question will bring you to that.  It can be transformational.
  • It is powerful because it contextualizes what is happening.  It makes it clear what you are doing. 
  • Creating ourselves – it is the purpose of all life.
  • Every decision you make – every decision – is not a decision about what to do,  It’s a decision about Who You Are
  • Begin to see life a new way.   All events, occurrences, and situations turn it to opportunities to do what you came here to do.

The purpose of your soul is to announce and to declare, to be and to express, to experience and to fulfill Who You Really Are.

  • Your life lived is your declaration.  Your choices define you.  Every act is an act of self-definition.

“Is this who I am?  What would love do now?

  • With your decision to ask and answer those questions at every juncture, you will move from student to teacher of the New Gospel.

craving and resource from “Friendship with God” by Neale Donald Walsch

Friendship with God: An Uncommon Dialogue