“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” – Aristotle Have fun and enjoy yourself. Never lose sight to…
“Circumstances are rulers of the weak, but they are weapons of the wise.” Must you be bent and flayed by…
“Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through…
In Zen Buddhism, there’s a word shoshin, which means beginner’s mind. It is an open, receptive mental state of learning.…
Recognizing the ways other’s issues have affected you allows you to stop internalizing their stuff and to forgive, love them…
Words have tremendous power. They can hurt, and they can heal. They can tear down someone’s world or build it up.…
There is a big difference between motivation and inspiration. Motivation is when you get a hold of an idea, you…
Life is about dreams. As human beings we have the unique capacity to look into the future, envision something, and…
Do not postpone making decisions. However, think a great deal before taking action. Considers your training as well as your…
People look at their past to decide who they are. People look at their past to decide who they can…