When circumstances and situations are pressing in upon us, the only way we can overcome them is to go within,…
Don’t separate yourself by believing that being present in the moment means you can never desire or manifest anything in…
“Fail early, fail often and always fail forward.” John Maxwell Don’t not try out of fear of failure. The next…
No one can do the minimum and reach his maximum potential. People now focus more on their rights than on…
Wholeness: Connecting the Heart, Conscience, and Spirit Wholeness is about return the missing parts – the heart, human spirit, and…
So many of us you looking for fulfillment where it can never be found You are looking for fulfillment in…
Affirmations are short positive statements that challenges, undermine, and replace negative beliefs with a healthy optimistic attitude that spears you…
Who are you? What do you want from your life? Ask that question and once you know the answer write…
“If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more. If you look at what you…
As our awareness expands, our responsibility to our children increases and becomes more clear. They want to learn our way…