The world’s greatest lie is that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to…
It is no secret that if we are feeling unbalanced by our relationships in life, it will cause stress, and…
To whom you matter is just as important as who matters to you. Fish where the fish are biting. Know…
Don’t overtax yourself. If you weigh yourself down with excessive demands You’ll wear yourself out or develop symptoms of depression,…
Define your mission and goals in life Re-source: Refine It is important to have an end in mind Have you…
You are hardwired with the innate wisdom to make choices that support you in creating a life worth living. Your…
Often we don’t try because then we can’t fail. This choice lets us continue to believe in the possibility that…
Your imagination allows you the fabulous luxury of thinking from the end. There’s no stopping anyone who can think from…
“If you are afraid of criticism, you will die doing nothing!” “Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of…
Synergy is achieved when two or more people work together to create a better solution than either could alone. It’s…