Dalai Lama, Hatred and Anger “I analyze like this…”
“If I develop bad feelings for those who make me suffer, I will only destroy my peace of mind; but if I forgive, my mind becomes calm.”
“Through analytical meditation, I now have full conviction that destructive emotions like hatred, is no use. Nowadays, anger and hatred do not come. Maybe only just a little irritation”
“The best way to prevent conflict is by tempering emotions. Some conflicts and differences will always be there but we should try to use the differences in a positive way to try to get energy from a different view. Try to minimize violence, not by force but by awareness and respect through dialogue.

Re-source: Retreat
Use meditation called giving and taking
- Make visualizations
- Send your positive emotions like happiness and affection to others
- Visualize receiving their suffering and negative emotions
- As you meditate, breath in all their hatred, anger, fear, cruelty and then breath out all the good things like compassion and forgiveness
- Take inside all the bad things and replace the poisons with fresh air
- Take care not to blame
- This is useful reduce hatred and to cultivate forgiveness
craving and resource from the Dalai Lama