Most people have no control over their continuous steam of thoughts.
- People say “I think,” but actually thinking happens to them.
- A lot of this voice in our heads the is negative labeling and interpretations.
What we call our life is a narrative. It’s the things that happened to us and that we identify with.
- These are thoughts that recurred compulsively and that gave us a sense of self.
- This negative sense of self is fuel by continuous thinking.
There’s a consciousness deep inside ourselves that is deeper or higher than thinking. This is awareness or presence.
- Most people are not aware of this deeper dimension inside of them, that transcends thinking.
- The mind becomes still (this is what people want to achieve when they meditate).
- This state of consciousness in humans is where we are fully conscious without the activity of conceptual thinking.
- This is the essence of Zen and of practically all spirituality.
- If you can gain access to this dimension, you are no longer possessed and controlled by the thinking mind. You are the enabled to use your mind instead of being used by your mind.
- When you are used by your mind, you take on all the conditioning and it becomes part of your identity.

Resource: Repentance
an event in which an individual attains a divinely provided new understanding of their thoughts and behavior and feels compelled to change it.
“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”
– Jesus
- Repent means Shift in consciousness.
- Jesus is referring to finding the dimension of Inner spaciousness within you. Our purpose is to live from that deeper place. This is transcendence.
“Know thyself”
– ancient wisdom
- This means know who you are at your essence (self-realization).
Take a conscious breath one at a time in order to create spaciousness away from thinking.
- Nobody is too busy to take a few seconds to do this.
- The spaciousness leads to more effective and inspired thinking.
- Access to this dimension leads to creativity.
- Sense the power that dwells within you.
craving and resource from “How Mindfulness can bring Balance to Your World” by Eckhart Tolle on the Ruben Report