It is your responsibility to take care of your inner environment.
- Just like doing your housecleaning, if you don’t throw your food away or cleanup your house, it’s going to be a mess.
If you don’t work on yourself it leads to a life with no passion, no energy, and no love.
- This can lead to depression which is the lowest state.
- Just like driving your car you have to guide it, you can’t just let it go wherever it wants.
The normal life that many people live is a life that is uncomfortable and disturbed inside.
- Our inner environment is the house that we live in.
- We need to straighten it up. You do not want to keep garbage inside of you. Take out the trash.

Re-source: Receptive
able or willing to receive something, especially signals or stimuli
There is a way to be okay inside. Just because it is a mess it doesn’t have to stay a mess. Do the work that is necessary to clean it up.
- When things come in that are uncomfortable, we tend to try to push them away. When things that come in that are great and comfortable we try to hold onto them. But if you try to push away something that already happened, where does it go? It doesn’t go away; it’s stays stored inside of you.
- So, when uncomfortable things happen like losing your job, someone dying etc., It’s a reality that we need to let in, learn from it, and grow from it.
- Once it happens it happened. So, what are you going to do with it? What most people do with is refuse to accept that it happened. That’s called denial.
- You have to honor it’s right to be and learn from the experience. And becoming greater person because you have experienced it.
Growth occurs when events unfold that are uncomfortable for you.
- You find a way to be open and receptive to life. Because you can’t undo it. So you learn to be open and receptive to life and reality. Learn to honor except and respect reality and this is how you expand yourself.
- Take on the everyday challenges of your life like you were playing chess or mountain climbing. Be excited and enjoy life however it comes.
Do a rational cost and benefit analysis of what’s going on inside of you. Start working with yourself and analyzing your thoughts. It’s not about the big things, it’s about the little things. Learning to be happy and positive when the disturbing things that happen in life.
- Just because you’re mind is saying something does not mean you have to listen. Your consciousness is where you live. Do not put your attention on your neurotic thoughts. Quiet down. And ignored guest will leave.
- Use affirmation to change the story before it gets a hold of you negatively.
- Notice when you’re mine is being disturbed. “Relax back to where you notice from” instead of “into what you’re noticing.” You can relax and release giving it space to pass through. There’s no need to manipulate the world around you. Get out of the way.

craving and resource paraphrased from the Michael Singer podcast, “Taking Care of Your Inner Environment.”