“There’s no limit to how complicated things can get on account of one thing always leading to another. ”
– E.B. White (Charlotte’s Web)
Simplicity is highly desired, but rarely sought. Adopt the true love of simplicity or be seduced by the illusions of complexity.
- Albert Einstein observed that “Genius is taking the complex and making it simple.”
- Every day you face hundreds of choices, options, and decisions.
- We fall into complexity by default, and complexity has an unerring habit of creating a mess or adding to the mess.
Adopt the wisdom of simplicity. Apply it to every aspect of your life.
- It is an excellent path to clarity and peace.
- The beautiful minds of every age have cherished simplicity. Follow their genius.

Re-source: Restructure
organize differently
Meaning – the secret to a meaningful life is to strip away everything that is meaningless.
Time – learn to say no, which will free up more of your time for what matters most.
Relationships – all relationships thrive when you give them carefree timelessness.
Clarity – simplicity will lead you to clarity about who you are and what matters most.
Fulfillment – savor the most important things in life. Taste and enjoy completely.
Freedom – simplicity is liberating. Complexity is a form of slavery. Liberate yourself from commitmentsand unnecessary possessions.
Integrity – live in alignment with your values. When we abandon our values, we abandon ourselves, and, separated from ourselves we can never be happy.
Needs – realize that your needs are infinitely more important than your wants. Socrates observed that the richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.
Less – less is really more – and better!
craving and resource from “Life is Messy” by Matthew Kelly