Rehumanization is an effort to reverse the effects of the humanization by restoring human dignity, helping each and every person develop a healthy sense of self, and reprioritizing people above money, objects, systems, and institutions.
- Rehumanization is about learning to be human again, which may sound strange, but it’s amazing how often and in how many ways the average person experiences dehumanization.
- Dehumanization takes many forms. Some things are dehumanizing by their very nature, for example, violence, slavery, abuse, injustice, torture, poverty, sexual abuse, discrimination, gossip, objectification, and genocide.
There are many other things that can be dehumanizing, such as work, technology, debt, humor, laws, entertainment, social media, and even education or consensual sex.
- Anytime the value and individuality of a person are being denied, that person is being dehumanized.
- And the more someone has been dehumanized, the more that person will operate out of the primal tendencies of fight-or-flight.
The process of rehumanization reminds us what it means to be an individual of worth. It rekindles a healthy sense of personal identity and helps us rediscover our humanity.

Re-Source: Reexamine
inspect (something or someone) again in detail to determine their nature or condition; investigate thoroughly
In order to see and value the humanity of another person we have to be able to see and value our own humanity.
- Learning to accept that we are wounded and broken is essential to the process of rehumanization.
- Discovering your brokenness and realizing that you can be put back together and healed to become more beautiful and more lovable than ever before is the summit of rehumanization.
Human beings with a healthy sense of self, when their basic needs are met and their survival is not threatened, want good things for other people.
- Anyone who wishes another person unhappiness or harm, anyone who doesn’t desire good for others, is in a dehumanized condition. Emotionally healthy human beings desire good for each other.
- At our best, we are kind, well-meaning, generous, compassionate, benevolent, thoughtful, sensitive, tender, warm-hearted, and empathetic.
- Empathy is a leading indicator of human flourishing, while lack of empathy is a signal that a person is in a dehumanized state.
- Empathy is the natural condition for a human being who is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. This is what it means to be humane.
It is time to turn our efforts toward the great rehumanization of the human family. It’s time to focus on things that support humanization. It’s time to celebrate those things that bring out the best in people. To accomplish this, a great shift in our culture is necessary.
- Our focus on money dehumanizes our relationships by making them transactional.
- Our focus on things lead us to dehumanize each other by objectifying people.
- Our focus on appearances dehumanizes our relationships by making them disingenuous.
- It’s time to move beyond a money-oriented way of life, beyond an appearance-oriented lifestyle, and create a people-oriented society. Is there any more urgent task before society today?
- Which of our problems would not be solved by seeing ourselves and others as human beings again, and treating ourselves and others as human beings of infinite individual value? Let’s put our efforts toward rehumanization.
craving and resource from “Life is Messy” by Mathew Kelly