ICRAVE Pilgrimage

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Life is a pilgrimage, a sacred journey.

  • We are journeying in this life toward the sacred city, toward the heart of God – heaven.

The difference between a pilgrim vs tourist is that pilgrims look for signs

  • What is God trying to say to me?
  • Pilgrims are not concerned with seeing and doing everything, just the things they feel called to see and do.
  • They are aware of the needs of others, look for meaning, and count their blessings.

Looking back, we may see life as a beautiful process that allowed us to discover ourselves in exceptional ways, even though the process itself is very ordinary.

  • Habits – believe that everything you do every day leads you closer to or further from the very-best-version-of-yourself
  • Create a daily habit (prayer), Feed your mind, and serve powerfully.
  • It is a simple process, and yet life changing.  Imagine if we were all taught as children to establish these habits in our lives.
  • As they grow strong in your life, help others to know them and live them

Have you ever really had a plan for spiritual health and growth?

  • If you feel like something is missing in your life.  If you feel like you need a fresh start.  If you are craving something more.

Image result for relationships

Re-source: Relationships

the way in which two or more people are connected, or the state of being connected

People have made great contributions to our lives in many different ways.  We all need someone in our lives to help us get our inner lives firmly established. 

  • And we are all called to be this person for others.

Your friendship with others is not to be taken lightly.  You are changing the direction of your friends’ lives for better or for worse. 

  • Sooner or later, we all rise or fall to the level of our friendships.

People come into our lives for a reason.  Some are messengers; other are teachers.  Some are healers, and others are coaches and counselors. 

  • Some people come into our lives for only a season, but their fingerprints remain all over our lives until the end.

craving and resource from “Resisting Happiness” by Matthew Kelly

Image result for Resisting Happiness By Matthew Kelly