ICRAVE Absolute Perfection

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The Absolute is just that – the absolute.  The All of Everything.  The Alpha and the Omega, with nothing in between. 

  • There are no degrees of “Absoluteness.”  Degrees of things can only exist in the Relative.

God created noting but Perfection.

  • There is no such thing as a victim or a villain.  There is no such things as the “good guys” and the “bad guys.”    Every soul is perfect, pure, and beautiful. 
  • In the state of forgetfulness in which we reside here on Earth, God’s perfect beings may do imperfect things – or what we would call imperfect things – yet everything that occurs in life occurs for a perfect reason. 
  • There is no such thing as a mistake in god’s world, and nothing happens by chance.  Nor does any person come to You without a gift for You in his hands.
    • A Messenger is one who brings a message, rather than one who seeks it.

All the answers to all of life’s questions are quite literally, on the tip of your tongue.

  • That is another way of saying, “As you speak it, so will it be.”

Everything that you see is a reflection of you.  And if the mirrors of life show you distortion, it is a reflection of your distorted thoughts about you.

  • There are no tangents, only different routes to the same destination.

Image result for Best Self Image

Re-source: Recreate

bring into existence or cause to happen again as a result of one's actions

The purpose of life is to re-create yourself anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.

  • Personal preference – You simply change your mind about yourself, and how you choose to feel.
  • Harry Palmer says:  Only a decision is required to change one’s mind.

Three levels of Experience – superconscious, conscious, and subconscious.

  • Set the same intentions on the three levels at the same time.  This is supra-consciousness, “Christ consciousness,” or “elevated consciousness.”  It is fully integrated consciousness.
  • When you are in this place you are fully creative.  All three levels have become one.
  • Pure beingness.  This beingness is the ultimate source of creation within you
  • A person of “elevated consciousness,” outcomes and results are always intended and never unanticipated.”
  • Time as we have understood it does not exist.  There is only one moment, the Eternal Moment of Now.

God empowers us to create whatever experience we choose and gives us the tools with which to do that.

  • We experience the outcome we produce by the choices we make.
  • Life is a process of re-creation. Every act is an act of self-definition.
  • Giving directions is not the same as stating preferences.  Tell God where you seek to go, and God will tell you how to get there.

There is no such thing as “luck.”  Life proceeds out of your intentions for it.

  • People are forever calling the good outcomes in life breaks, luck, coincidence, serendipity, fate, or whatever.  The bad outcomes – the hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, sudden deaths; we call “acts of God.
  • What we call the good things that happen to us are also acts of God.  No two people meet by chance, and nothing occurs by accident.
  • Just as the right person, at just the right time, with just the right attitude.  Like a supporting player standing in the wings waiting for his cue, he marched on stage, said his lines, and made his exit.  With you writing the script and directing the scenes and acting them out.

Everything we think, say, and do is a prayer, and produces a response from God.

  • God will place the tools in our hands with which we may fashion the experience of our choosing, that we might come to higher and higher levels of consciousness.  We may choose to use those tools or not.
  • How aware are you about what that which is occurring in your life right now is occurring? – levels of awareness, and levels within levels.

Spiritual enlightenment is not measured by how unaffected we are by rewards of the ego, but by how dependent we are on them for peace and happiness.

  • In life, we are constantly propelling ourselves to our next greatest achievement.  The ego is God’s gift to us, just as is everything else in life. 
  • God has given us nothing that is not a treasure, and whether it shows up that way in our experience depends on how we use it.

Unless we learn to acknowledge who we are and what we have done, we can never acknowledge others for who they are and what they have done.

  • The trick is not to do what we do for acknowledgment, but rather, as an expression of who we are. 

Therefore, announce yourself.  Declare yourself.  Then move fully into the beingness of that which you have declared.

  • Re-create you Self anew in every moment of Now

craving and resource from “Friendship with God” by Neale Donald Walsch

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