ICRAVE Spiritual Power through Faith and Prayer

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For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.                                          

– Ephesians 2:10
  • Just as God made preparations for Jesus long before he came into the world, so God has made preparations for the great works He has planned for you to do as well.
  • If you’re going to do works greater than Jesus, just as He promised you could, then you need spiritual power. 
    • There is no way you will be able to fulfill your spiritual purpose without it.
  • Most of all God has a desire to bless you with spiritual power from heaven – the authority, ability, and opportunity to do something beyond your imagination.

God’s commitment to us is to never leave nor forsake us, no matter how tough the battle gets. 

  • Our commitment to Him must be to trust Him and to fight, even if He sends us a challenge that most would walk away from.
  • Winning the battles we face in life is not our responsibility.  Obeying God by faith is.  The outcome is completely up to Him.
  • Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). 
  • Faith enables us to pursue something tangible while relying on something invisible to help us get it.

Realize that strong feelings are part of love, but there is more to love than feelings. 

  • Love is a faith commitment that you will stand with someone even when you do not feel like it. 
  • Reliable love transcends feelings.

Prayer is a gift from God that Jesus did not take for granted.  But we must keep in mind that prayer is not simply talking to God; it is a life-transforming form of communication given to us by God. 

  • Without prayer, we have no relationship with God.  Without relationship, we have no power to bring about a transfiguration in our lives or in the world.
  • Prayer is our means of communicating with God.  Not only do we communicate with God, He also communicates with us, which is the most important part of prayer. 
  • The communication we have with God through prayer is not only the transfer of information but access the actual heart of God. 
  • The more we pray with God, the more we become like God.

See the source image

Re-source: Response

an excitation of a nerve impulse caused by a change or event; a physical reaction to a specific stimulus or situation

Power can be defined as the ability to move obstacles, both physical and nonphysical. 

  • When obstacles are moved, we are free to do whatever God has called us to do. 
  • The most important obstacles to move are those things that inhibit you from fulfilling God’s purpose in your life. 
    • Those obstacles can be moved only by spiritual power.

Spiritual Power comes with personal surrender. 

  • If you want God to do big things through you, He first needs to do a big thing in you. 
  • That can best begin to happen by setting aside things on which we are humanly dependent.

Prayer is the act of surrender.  It means depending on a God that you believe is superior to you. 

  • The deeper and more regular your prayer is, the more of God’s power you will secure. 
  • The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16).

Being obedient in life is about not only doing the right things but also not doing the wrong things. 

  • There will often be times in your life when God will tell you to be still and know that He is God. (Ps. 46:10). 
    • That is, be still and do something by doing nothing.

craving and resource from “Do Something!” by Miles McPherson