ICRAVE Eternal Holiness Now

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Planning is good and necessary up to a point, but we find God in the now.  God lives in the eternal now. 

  • He is constantly inviting us to immerse ourselves in the present moment so we can be with him.
  • Sometimes planning the future can be a way of avoiding the present.
  • The quality of awareness is one of the great gifts of the spiritual life. 

Present-moment awareness.

  • To be aware of things while they are actually happening.
  • To be fully aware of every breath of air you take, every bite of food, every smile, every word you read, every song you hear, every kiss on the lips
  • God loves ordinary things.

Recognize when our soul is hungry.  Our stomachs growl when we are physically hungry.  Our souls have a way of growling too. 

  • When we are spiritually hungry, we become irritable, restless, and disconnected.

The universal call to holiness – the concept that God calls every man and woman to the joy of a holy life.

  • Some things I do help me become the person God created me to be, and some things don’t.  It is as simple as that.

Image result for Realize Holiness

Re-source: Realize

become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly

We are all called to holiness?

  • Nobody ever says, “You can become a saint!” 
  • We don’t know that everyone could be holy. 
  • We don’t know that God was calling us to live a holy life. 
  • We don’t know that holiness was even a possibility for people like us. 
  • We think Christianity is just about being a nice person and telling the truth. 

We can make all sorts of excuses about why we cannot, but that doesn’t change the fact that the central goal of the Christian life is to love God and neighbor by living a holy life. 

  • When we lose sight of that, we become spiritually lost.

You cannot stand still in the spiritual life.  You can’t take a break. 

  • It is about consciously making an effort to receive everything that God is pouring into you and learning to simply be with God.

Every moment of every day, every situation, every person we encounter is an opportunity to become a-better-version-of-ourselves.

  • The world compares us to our neighbor, but God compares us to my former self. 
  • Every day God invites us to improve on our former self.  It is a constant invitation to transformation.
  • We all fall into the trap of comparing ourselves with the person we think we should be. 

Personal Conversion is an ongoing journey.

craving and resource from “Resisting Happiness” by Matthew Kelly