ICRAVE Spiritual Healing for Others

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To learn of the power and a receiving of those gifts of the Spirit are the spiritual tool kit with which we may do the works of Our Lord.

  • Make God a partner is some kind of creative activity.

This is a slow way of coming to life.  It is a beginning, but it is not an end.

  • Their souls need a healer. 
  • They need friends to carry them to Jesus in the strong arms of faith. 
  • They need shepherds to lead them beside the still waters.

True humility consists, in any case, in caring so much for another that you do not think of yourself at all; and the question of whether or not you are speaking with due modesty simply does not enter your mind. 

  • The moment one considers one’s own humility one is not humble.

The one who most needs help may be too afraid to ask for it.

  • “I can help you,” suggests not only that you have hope but that you care. 
  • Begin to establish a rapport between the two of you. 
  • You may need to urge a bit before this one will come to see you.
  • “You look as though you feel the way I used to feel.”
  • “I can have faith for you.”

Image result for restore

Re-source: Restore

repair or renovate so as to return it to its original condition

Say a prayer of the utmost simplicity. 

  • Ask Our Lord to come into the mind and heal it and restore the original personality.

Remind them not to look into themself to see how this is working.

  • “When you plant a seed, you don’t keep pulling it up to see whether it is growing roots.” 
  • “This is the seed of a new life planted in you and it is bound to grow.”

Lord Jesus said, “He that would come after me, let him take up his cross and follow me.” 

  • What is our cross?  The enduring of selfish illnesses because we are too lazy to make the spiritual effort of overcoming them. 
  • What is our cross?  The dark night of the soul that we may hug it to ourselves and concern ourselves merely with the triviality of ourselves.
  • That those who for the moment are strong shall help to bear the burdens of those who are weak. 
  • “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
  • So, in prayer we lift this burden from the other one, and then we give it to Him who alone can bear all our burdens. (Mark 5:30)

It is much easier to pray objectively for others than to pray subjectively for oneself. 

  • And in the very act of praying the prayer of faith of others, one is apt to extrovert some of one’s own trouble and to open a window in the soul through which God’s light can shine.

craving and resource from “The Healing Gifts of the Spirit” by Agnes Sanford

Image result for The Healing Gifts of the Spirit (by: Agnes Sanford