It is not the job, relationship, person, or situation that gives rise to liberation or confinement; it is your perception and interpretation that creates your reality.
- Listen to your mind, feel your heart, and make your choices.
Abundance consciousness is a state of awareness in which our happiness is independent of our possessions and positions in life.
- Tap into our reservoir of abundance through inner exploration and through expression of our innate talents in the world.
Reality is always a selective act of perception and interpretation, and we have the power to choose a reality that can make us happy or miserable.
- Listen to your body for messages of comfort and discomfort.
- Material comforts meet the needs of our body.
- Loving relationships meet the needs of our hearts.
- Meaningful work meets the needs of our minds.
- Spirituality fulfills the needs of our souls.
When you are living your dharma, you do not think about what you’d rather be doing.
- Time loses its grip as you become absorbed in the present moment.
- You feel that you are made to do what you are doing, and that the universe was made to provide you the opportunity to express your talents.
- Energy flows without resistance.
Re-source: Recondition
to restore to good condition : to condition (a person, a person's attitudes, etc.) anew
Tap into your inner reservoir of energy and creativity and experience the expansion of bliss and vital energy in all aspects of your life.
- A vital life is one in which nourishment predominates and toxicity is minimized.
Your fulfillment depends on the creative channeling of your vital energy.
- Creativity is the ability to bring into manifestation something that exists only as a result of your attention and intention.
Love, like knowledge, is an amazing commodity; the more you give away, the more you have left.
- Choose to love generously.
- Choose to love rather than judge.
- When you choose love over judgment, you create vital energy that nourishes your heart and soul.
We all have a basic need for love, caring, compassion, trust, acceptance, and a sense of belonging are essential to our experience of happiness and vitality.
- ADORE – Accept, Demonstrate, Open, Receive, and Express
- Accept yourself, Accept Others
- Demonstrate Your Caring
- Open Your Heart
- Receive Love
- Express Your Love
craving and resource from “Vital Energy” – The 7 Key to Invigorate Body, Mind & Soul – by David Simon, M.D.