Strategy – it is a specific way of doing something. Like a recipe, if you do it that way, you get that result all the time. That is the beauty of a strategy. You have to do the right thing at the right time.
- If you have the wrong strategy, you are doomed to failure.
- A new strategy can change everything. A new way of doing something.
- The rights strategy can save you a decade. Gather as many strategies as you can. It is a huge advantage with the right strategy.
- You can give someone the perfect strategy and they can still not do it. The problem in our society is not the lack of strategy
- You can download books that can help but will you read it?
The Story you tell yourself – negative stories kill your hunger/drive and give you a reason not to face the discomfort. Your story is everything!
- Give up the story that limits you.
- “I have tried everything” – this isn’t really true or else you would have the answer. However, telling yourself this gives you a reason not to try anymore.
- People’s stories are often true but ineffective (metabolism, bad relationship, etc.).
- It might be true but it is not the reason why you aren’t what you want. That is because of what you choose to do about it.
- We all live in a society that by age 21, we have seen 2 million commercials of how to instantly get out of pain. The problem with getting out of pain is that it takes away the purpose of drive.
- Do you know somebody who takes anti-depressants who are still depressed? That is because they have the same story.
- If your story is I don’t have the resource, that story is going to kill your future. If your story is I can add enough value to other people’s lives, then you can get the resources.
Being in the right State – it determines how you think and feel. When you go in a different state you come up with a different story, and then use different strategies (many that aren’t very good). If you are in a great state, great story, and great strategies, then you tend to maximize.
- Can you remember being angry at somebody, and suddenly you can remember every little thing that they’ve done?
- Because when you go into that angry state, it makes you take the parts of your brain that relate to a story that supports that state.
- On the opposite, can you remember a time when you fell “head over heels” in love with someone? You couldn’t stop thinking of them. If you love someone in the beginning, you will do anything for them. After a while passion leaves. Where did it go? If you do what you did in the beginning of the relationship, in the end of the relationship, there won’t be an end. That’s the difference in state.
Value the strategy but to apply it takes the right story and right state.
- Story is the one that will sustain the problem.
- The one that can change everything the fastest is the state.
- If you don’t know the strategy, ignorance is poverty and pain.
- If you want to change your story, the first thing to do is to change your state.
Re-source: Re-empowered
Decisions are why some people’s lives turn out differently than other people.
- Decisions, not conditions determine our destiny
- If you look back on your life the last 10-15 years, if you had made some different decision, your life would have been radically different today
- relationships, income, happiness, health, etc.
- Everybody has a story about how their conditions have affected them.
- Many people have had similar or worse conditions that made different decisions (fighting in war, child abuse, etc.).
The 3 decisions you are making every moment and every day.
- You may not be making these consciously.
- Many of these are being made habitually because you are not paying attention.
Focus – if you want to change your life, change our focus. Most of us don’t control our focus, and let the world and our environment do it for us.
- What to focus on – it totally affects your life.
- Whatever you focus on, you are going to feel even if it is not true. Focus equals feeling, direction and shapes everything.
- News is always a story to jolt you to get your attention. They use the headline to get you. There are headlines in our own lives too.
- Everyone has a pattern of focus. What we focus on regularly.
- Do you regularly focus on what you can control or what you can’t control?
- Those who focus on what they can control tend to feel more in charge in life.
- Depressed people constantly focus on what they can’t control.
- Do you tend to focus on what you have or what’s missing in your life?
- The tendency is what’s missing, and many times we make up what’s missing.
- If you focus on what you have (what you are grateful for), how does your life feel?
- Remember, 80% of the planet lives on $2 per day. Most of us, our worst nightmare is someone else’s dream.
- Do you tend to focus on the future, the present, or the past?
- Most people tend to look at the past. Since you can’t control the past, it will lower your energy if you focus on it.
- A happy person tends to live in the present.
- If you are trying to drive yourself into the future, and you are using a rear view mirror called the past, then you are going crash.
- Focusing on what you can control will allow you to change your state, which will allow you to come up with a better story, which will likely to get you to use a better strategy.
Meaning – as soon as you focus on something, you now have to give it a meaning. It is important to come up with empowering meanings to a situation. That’s what makes someone successful and happy.
- What does this mean? For example, is this problem in your life a problem? Or is it a challenge? Or what if it is a gift?
- Would it change the state and strategy you are in?
- Every moment we are making decisions on the things we focus on and what it means. It’s all about what you make up in your head; the meaning you give.
- Were you teasing, humiliating, or challenging me?
- Is this the end or beginning of a relationship, career, investment, etc.?
- You’re whole experience is different based on the meaning you put on it.
What to do – Are you going to take action to empower yourself?
- Do you quit or do you move forward?
- Your decisions on what to do are powerfully shaped by the emotions you are feeling, and the emotions come from the meaning.
craving and resource from “Stay Hungry” by Tony Robbins