Dreams smash down the barricades
- They admit all
- They do not always flatter us
- They are a mirror of human imperfect-ability
- They may scare us
- They use absurdity to tell the truth when none else dare.
- First impressions are deceiving. What a dream says and what it means are often two different things.
- We want clarity, yet dreams seem to prefer obscurity.
- They play hide-and-seek with meaning.
Dreams can be transformational
- creating new attitudes toward ourselves and others
- magnifying our spiritual understanding
- deepening the feeling side of life
- producing changes in careers and relationships
- even affecting society itself.

Re-source: Reassessment
“The dream uses you.”
- Like art, dreams create a shift in perspective in the very act of beholding them.
- Seeing things in a way we have not seen before – taking the stance of the appreciator rather than the analyst—changes us.
- “Rather than seeing the painting, I see according to or with it.”
We might regard the Dream as a wise teacher
- One who instructs us in the most personal way – embarrassingly so, for she knows our forbidden desires and deepest fears, our secret hopes and unexpressed gifts.
- This teacher tells us stories about ourselves, about our relationships to others.
- This approach may require a humility the ego finds discomforting.
We must first meet the dream on its own terms
We are being confronted with a ancient, urgent question: not merely what does the dream mean but what does the dream want?
craving and resource from “Healing Dreams” by Marc Ian Barasch