Its been said that, “Interest shows up in conversation and commitment shows up in behavior.”
- A committed person goes from thinking, “It would be nice to have this or that” to “I must – I will – I am totally committed.” And then they go and do!
- When others are relaxing or taking breaks, the achiever continues hustling
- developing their game plan and looking for opportunities.
If you believe your goals strongly enough, and if you are committed to them, they will eventually bear fruit.
- Anything that is given consistent attention will grow.
Re-source: Refocus
Master your Thinking
It is more effective to be solution-focused than obstacle-focused.
- Take an active role to replace negative thoughts with more useful thoughts.
- Take personal control over what you dwell on.
- The goal is to prevent yourself from holding on to and replaying negative thoughts.
- Your thoughts can either create fear, or they can create confidence.
- They can create pain, or they can create resolve and joy. Your thoughts can lead you to take action or they can drive you to withdraw and even give up
craving and resource from ““If you think, You Can” by TJ Hoisington